Orchids Wiki
Phaius Joan Hart

Phaius Joan Hart

Hybrid Classification
Seed Parent: Phaius tankervilleae
Pollen Parent: Phaius flavus
Genus: Phaius
Hybrid Epithet: Phaius Joan Hart
Binomial name
Phaius Joan Hart
G.Coram Nov 1, 1986

Phaius Joan Hart is a Phaius hybrid


Plants require shade and cool to warm temperatures. Plants should be potted in a mix that retain some moisture such as 40% fir bark, 30% sphagnum moss, and 30% soil. Medium should be kept moist during growing season. When growth matures with hold watering for 3 to 4 weeks. Repotting should be done after flowering. . New plants can be obtained from the old spikes by laying the spike out in sand and half covering it.
