Orchids Wiki
Cycnoches loddigesii

Cycnoches loddigesii male
Male flowers
Cycnoches loddigesii female
Female flowers

Scientific Classification
Kingdom: Plantae
Division: Magnoliophyta
Class: Liliopsida
Order: Asparagales
Subfamily: Epidendroideae
Tribe: Cymbidieae
SubTribe: Catasetinae
Genus: Cycnoches
Species: Cyc. loddigesii
Binomial name
Cycnoches loddigesii
Lindl. 1832

Cycnoches loddigesii is a species of Cycnoches found in South America.


Plant blooms from late summer with ten 12.5 cm wide flowers.


Plant is found growing in French Guiana, Surinam, Guyana, Venezuela, Colombia and Northern Brazil


Grow in intermediate to warm conditions with partially bright light. Water regularly during growing season and when plants drop leaves during dormancy reduce watering. During dormancy only water about twice a month to keep pseudobulbs from shriveling. Resume watering normally when new growths occur in spring. Plants can die easily from over watering. Plants are usually grown in bark with perlite, cork, full sphagnum moss, and tree fern. Female flowers will often be produced when high light and low moisture is present. While male flowers are produced in shadier situation of higher moisture.


Common name: Loddiges' Cycnoches


  1. Cycnoches cucullata Lindley 1837
  2. Cycnoches loddigesii var leuchochilum Hkr. 1841
  3. Cycnoches loddigesii var purpureum Rchb.f 1857